Our groomer Sam takes grooming appointments on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays.
Our grooming services start at $60.00 but pricing is determined by your dog's size, breed, and condition of hair. We also offer mini grooms starting at $35.00.
We offer medicated shampoos for dogs with sensitive skin for an additional cost of $7.00. When applied, we leave the shampoo on the skin to soak for approximately 10 to 15 minutes so we can get the best results for your pup.
Interested in scheduling a grooming appointment? Call us at 770-432-7155 for more information. If you are unsure of how much your pet's grooming session will be, call to set up a consultation with Sam.
We pride ourselves in offering comprehensive services that will help ensure the health of your pet.
Our Full Grooms include a bath, anal gland expression, mail clip and grind, ear cleaning and hair removal, and a full-body haircut.
Mini Grooms include a bath, anal gland expression, nail clip and grind, ear cleaning and hair removal, and a trim around the face, feet, tail, and sanitary areas.
Baths include a bath, anal gland expression, mail clip and grind, ear cleaning, a good brush out, and a trim around the eyes and sanitary areas for long-haired dogs.
For baths, our prices range depending on your pet's weight:
0-20 lbs: $25.00
21-55 lbs: $29.00
56-75 lbs: $33.00
76-99 lbs: $37.00
100+ lbs: $47.00
Need to get rid of your pet's winter coat? Try our great Lo-shed treatments with the Furminator brush for an additional cost depending on your dog's weight.